The national finale of one of the biggest business quiz shows on campus in India was an absolute thriller. With the “Nations best 12 battling it out” as quizmaster Pickbrain put it, the battle was tense from the word go.
The fact that it was a 12 team final, added to the excitement with every team keen to win the coveted title. NMIMS Mumbai took the early lead with some brilliant answers. ICAI Bangalore and SIMS Pune started a little late but kept their score board ticking, while the team from IIM-A and IIM-L were a shade behind these teams but knew they had a fair chance.
In the buzzer rounds, it was true edge of the seat excitement, as teams scored and took negatives that made the final rounds critical. The final round on the world of Tata’s witnessed SP Jain crack Croma, IIM-A cracked Tata Sky and ICAI Hyderabad cracked Ginger. With one question remaining the scoreline read IIM-A 45, ICAI Bangalore 45 while NMIMS were on 50.
Pickbrain unfolded the first clue to the final question and IIM-A took the initiative and went for the buzzer and cracked Tata Nano on the first clue to emerge national champions of the Campus Edition 2008.
The guest of honour for the final was Mr.Muthuraman of Tata Steel.
National Champions: IIM Ahmedabad (Keerthi Raghavan / Dushyant Mullur)
NMIMS Mumbai (Govind Greval and Souvik Basu)
ICAI Bangalore (Vinay and Aditya)
Other National Finalists: