If one believes Goa is a laid-back holiday destination where corporates have fun, this quiz would have served as a shocker to that opinion. It almost seemed like a national final of a Tata Crucible with the quality of the teams and the level of the quiz set by Pickbrain.
The finale saw two youngsters from Amul challenge the might of few national champion teams as they held on to the lead for a fair part of the quiz. It was tense, all through as multiple time Goa champion Savoir Faire was trailing along with Loan Singh, a start-up featuring seasoned Crucible quizzers.
The quiz moved at a very brisk pace with all team doing well in bursts till it all came down to the final question of the quiz. Loan Singh needed one right answer to win, while Amul were playing the waiting game.
Loan Singh took the risk and got the right answer to register a thrilling win. Amul finished a very credible runner up given the line-up of teams the city witnessed.
The guest of honour Mr.Vincent Ramos, Director, Taj Group of Hotels, Goa spoke of how knowledge like wine gets better as you nurture it over time.