The Delhi edition of the quiz saw India’s only professional lady quiz anchor, Ms. Rashmi Furtado host the prelim. She set a good pace and did not quite give into the teams on their clue requests making the teams tense on who would qualify and what score would be sufficient. The finalists who made it was:
The final witnessed a very close battle between all the teams on stage, with IQVIA looking sharp and keen to buzz often. They were challenged by Vizag Steel and OLA while the latter played it calmer than the others set their own pace.
Soon enough OLA was in the lead and rest tried chasing them down, leading to IQVIA managing to get past all the others and finish a very credible runner-up at Delhi.
The guest of honour Mr. Sanjay Kumar Banga, CEO, Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited, spoke of the world changing rapidly and the need for people to be agile and adapt while keeping in mind that the one thing that has not changed is the importance of holding on to the right values when you adapt to change.